Be who you were meant to be, not always who you think you are!
Okay lets face it, if everyone was different and anti-mainstream the world would b a pretty boring place. There would be no successful businesses AND you would not have anything in common with anyone.
If something is in style, it's in style for a reason. What would happen if a really good movie came out but because it was 'in style' Ms. Hipster did not watch it. Well, she would be deprived of a magical, wonderful 1.5-3 hours of her life and memories that go along with it.
'In style' or 'currently popular' is not a bad thing nut hipsters think it is. Try to look into popular things. You may like them, and don't avoid because it's cool. That's lame.
So, as previously mentioned we've been hard at work making the basement sorta fancy. swag style